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Reading Head CTs is not easy.
But it's totally learnable

It's a skill that needs to be developed and practiced, much like playing the piano.
To learn to play piano, you have to actually play the piano.
To learn to read head CTs, you have to actually scroll through and read head CTs.

This is a curriculum for teaching
focused head CT interpretation
to emergency medicine residents
You'll go through a series of head CT teaching cases and try to identify critical findings relevant to the practice of emergency medicine.
You'll first scroll through the CT yourself, answer a question about that CT, and then get explanations on the abnormal findings.
The teaching cases are on a radiology platform that simulates a typical radiology viewer in the ED. You can scroll through CTs, adjust the brightness/contrast, zoom in, etc.

When teaching a concept or skill, we typically first give learners instruction on how to solve a problem and then have them
try to solve a practice case.
Here you will do the opposite.
First you'll do the practice case (scroll through the CT and try to identify the critical findings) and then get the teaching part (the explanations).
Please do these teaching cases on a laptop or desktop, but not on a phone.
iPads/tablets should work (landscape better than portrait orientation).
Future versions will be phone-friendly :)
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